Category: Health and Wellness

Nov10th 2023

Shrug Off Shoulder Pain Through Physical Therapy Treatment

Did you know that your shoulder are the most moveable and flexible joints in your body? They’re made up of a variety of muscles, tendons, and bones, and they’re pretty complicated structures! Your shoulders are what allow you to move around and complete many of your responsibilities during the day. They are capable of a

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Oct20th 2023

Your Strength and Overall Health Can Improve With Physical Rehabilitation

Everyone aspires to live a healthy, active, and powerful lifestyle. However, this type of lifestyle is not always simple to maintain, particularly for people who suffer from chronic pain. Physical therapy, fortunately, is an excellent resource for relieving pain and achieving fitness goals. If you want to start living a healthy lifestyle but aren’t sure

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Aug20th 2023

Zoom Through Your Recovery With Pre-Hab!

Do you have a surgical operation scheduled soon? If so, you might be worried about recovery time. Do you have a physically demanding job or sport? You could be anxious about the effects of demanding activities on your joints and muscles. If you identify with any of these scenarios, preventative rehabilitation or “pre-hab” may benefit

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