Category: Health Tips

Nov20th 2023

5 Reasons Physical Therapy May Change Your Life

According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, almost 100 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain. So, if you’ve been suffering from chronic pain for three months or longer, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, this means that people’s reliance on prescription pharmaceuticals is increasing all the time. In 2013, doctors in the

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Sep20th 2023

5 Tips to Decrease Pain and Improve Your Energy Levels

Living with chronic pain can change the way you do things on a daily basis. Whether your pain symptoms reside in your back, hips, neck, knees, or other area of your body, one thing rings true: dealing with discomfort is always the last thing anybody wants to do! Fortunately, there are some simple lifestyle changes

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Jun20th 2023

Feeling Stressed? Dealing With Pain? PT Could Provide Relief

When you see someone clutching his head at work or in a stressful circumstance, you could believe he’s either stressed out or has a headache. Indeed, you could be correct on both counts. Tension headaches can be caused by both physical and emotional stress; they can also be caused by cervicogenic and migraine headaches, all

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